All offices will be closed for Martin Luther King Day on Monday, January 20, 2025. Our ATMs are available for all your cash needs. Online banking and mobile banking are available.
ACH originators, please submit your file by Thursday, January 16, 2025 if you are paying out on 1/20 or 1/21.
Attention: You may have received a new card in the mail, please activate as soon as receiving the card so no interruptions occur. To activate the card & choose a PIN call: 877-965-3344 or use the feature Manage Cards through online banking. Also, remember to update any recurring items you may have setup with your previous card.
As a community bank we understand local businesses are vital to the economy and we work with them to ensure their success. All our lending decisions are made locally and are tailored to fit your businesses needs from start up to expansion.
All of our lending solutions can be managed online, over the phone or in person at one of our local branches.