All offices will be closed for Martin Luther King Day on Monday, January 20, 2025. Our ATMs are available for all your cash needs. Online banking and mobile banking are available.
ACH originators, please submit your file by Thursday, January 16, 2025 if you are paying out on 1/20 or 1/21.
Attention: You may have received a new card in the mail, please activate as soon as receiving the card so no interruptions occur. To activate the card & choose a PIN call: 877-965-3344 or use the feature Manage Cards through online banking. Also, remember to update any recurring items you may have setup with your previous card.
Currently there are four loan types in the PA Forward Student Loan Program:
A loan designed specifically for students seeking an undergraduate degree, certificate, or diploma.
A loan designed specifically for students seeking an advanced degree such as masters, doctoral, law, health, profession, or others.
A loan designed specifically for parent or guardians of dependent undergraduate students.
A loan designed specifically for borrowers in repayment to manage their student debt. Get payment estimates too!
The world of student aid can sometimes be difficult to navigate. However, it doesn’t have to be. We have gathered information that will make it easier for you to understand.
This career and college planning website provides practical and easy-to-understand advice to help prepare students for the important decisions they will face in the future.
Using this interactive tool you can create up to 4 different scenarios to see how your career and college choices may affect how much you pay for college and if you are at risk for over borrowing.
This website provides practical and easy-to-understand advice on how to deal with common financial situations facing today’s college students and recent graduates.
*NOTE: If you visit one of the above sites, please remember to come back to this site if you decide to apply for a PA Forward Student Loan. For specific loan program questions please call 1-844-PAFORWARD (1 (844) 723-6793).